Online learning tools and strategies for postgraduate education in mass media digital information management


  • Judith Prat Sedeño Arxiu Municipal de Salou, Ajuntament de Salou, España



The tendency on the management of the information in any media company is to implant systems that allow to use, share and develop not only the information of this organization, but also to add value to the knowledge of the professionals that work in it. The last purpose is the yield of the managed documentation as regards adjustment, coherence and accessibility. Hence, its quality and efficiency increase, since value is added to the information that is searched, organized and transmited. One of the most important considerations of a graduate who enrol in a postgraduate course must be to work in the integration of the contents from the informative media to the Word Wide Web communication networks. On-line learning is outlined as one of the most suitable methods to face the new technological and social tendencies of people who must work with the information technologies every day, and in the same time it demands the possibility of interacting geographically with dispersed professionals, in a constant feature of synchronous and asynchronous communication. The possibilities of the Web as a “metamedia” that allows the combination of the writing and the photographs of press or publicity, the TV images on video and the sound of the radio, added to the conception of the receiver of the information like an active being in the construction process of the news, require the adaptation of traditional mass media. In short, the optimization of communication, administration, evaluation and support tools for e-learning in the adaptation of a postgraduate curricular design in management of the digital information in mass media is suggested.


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How to Cite

Prat Sedeño, J. (2006). Online learning tools and strategies for postgraduate education in mass media digital information management. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 12(2), 55–67.


