The Aragon Cultural Heritage Information Center


  • Francisco Javier Bolea Aguarón Centro de Información del Patrimonio Cultural Altoaragonés, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses, España
  • Jesús Javier De Diego Erles Centro de Información del Patrimonio Cultural Altoaragonés, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses, España



The philosophy and the technological base of the project for the Aragonian Cultural Heritage Information Center are described. This centre assumes the new tendencies in heritage information: a holistic concept of heritage, more centred in its current use, the possibilities offered by the new information technologies, and, finally, a more transparent and networking concept of public administration. Three appropriate technologies are considered for the project: a) database management systems, as an integration and control tool; b) geographic information systems, as instruments for the spacialisation of heritage information; and c) dynamic publication in Internet, for the dissemination and generalisation of heritage information and also as a collaborative work infrastructure. Heritage information systems appear as the future in managing, publishing and getting in value cultural heritage, as opposed to tradicional inventories, which are difficult to access, use and maintain


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How to Cite

Bolea Aguarón, F. J., & De Diego Erles, J. J. (2001). The Aragon Cultural Heritage Information Center. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 7(2), 117–130.




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