The vision of archives in the Ancien Régime in Spain throughout travellers’ lifestories and tales: analysis of its representation and methodological systematization


  • Agustín Vivas Moreno Departamento de Informática, Facultad de Biblioteconomía y Documentación, Universidad de Extremadura, España
  • Carmen Solano Macías Departamento de Informática, Facultad de Biblioteconomía y Documentación, Universidad de Extremadura, España
  • Aitana Martos García Servicio de Documentación, Diputación de Badajoz, España
  • Ana Isabel Aznar Castro Departamento de Informática, Facultad de Biblioteconomía y Documentación, Universidad de Extremadura, España
  • María Rodríguez Lairado Concejalía de Cultura, Ayuntamiento de Badajoz, España



A methodological report on the history of archives in the Ancien Regime in Spain is offered, based on one of its historical sources: travellers’ life stories and tales. Several texts were extracted from traveller life stories and tales, based on previous knowledge of the sources, which were analysed in relation to their historical and institutional context. Such extracts capture varied opinions, descriptions, evaluations, and value judgements, and represent different customs and functions around the use of the Written Culture, archives and Archival Science in the Hispanic Ancien Regime. The utility of travellers’ life stories and tales, and in general, of historical and literary sources, for the study of the vision of archives and their representation in the Hispanic Ancien Regime, and thereafter for a History of Archives and Archival Science, is established


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How to Cite

Vivas Moreno, A., Solano Macías, C., Martos García, A., Aznar Castro, A. I., & Rodríguez Lairado, M. (2005). The vision of archives in the Ancien Régime in Spain throughout travellers’ lifestories and tales: analysis of its representation and methodological systematization. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 11(1), 47–64.


