Strategies to improve the visibility and dissemination of the journal Fotocinema: creation of a multilingual controlled vocabulary


  • Rocio Palomares Peraut Universidad de Málaga



Scientific journals, Quality, Open access, Visibility, Dissemination, Thesauri, Cinema, Photography, Cinematography, Spain, Fotocinema


We describe the procedures followed to create a multilingual controlled vocabulary (Spanish, English, French) for the open access journal Fotocinema: Scientific Journal of Cinema and Photography. It has been concieved as a strategy to achieve the maximum visibility and dissemination in social networks, scientific databases and national and international evaluation systems. We have applied, methodologically, analitycal, descriptive, quantitative and terminological techniques. We propose an open list of controlled terms taken from those keywords given by authors in the ten issues published by Fotocinema from 2010 to 2015. The aim is to standardize the thematic fields addressed by the journal Fotocinema and to facilitate to the authors how to choose the accurate keywords of their articles. To do so, we have worked with several terminological tools for querying and indexing. The result is a list of 338 semi-controlled terms in three languages which, together with some recommendations for authors, is incorporated to the “Author Guidelines” of Fotocinema. The ultimate aim is to promote the visibility of the articles published in Fotocinema and also to improve its indexation, analysis and classification on those international evaluation systems to get better quality and impact factor in their area of expertise.


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Author Biography

Rocio Palomares Peraut, Universidad de Málaga

Rocío Palomares Perraut es Profesora Titular de la Universidad de Málaga, en el Área de Biblioteconomía y Documentación. Imparte clases de Documentación en las titulaciones de Traducción e Interpretación y en el Máster de Igualdad y Género. Ha impartido diversos cursos especializados en documentación, así como cursos de doctorado sobre técnicas documentales para la investigación y el estudio personal. Dirige y coordina proyectos de innovación docente, relacionados con el diseño y creación de material multimedia interactivo. También, es evaluadora de proyectos de Innovación Docente en el marco de Universidades Andaluzas, así como peer-reviewer de la editorial Elsevier.



How to Cite

Peraut, R. P. (2016). Strategies to improve the visibility and dissemination of the journal Fotocinema: creation of a multilingual controlled vocabulary. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 22(2), 47–56.


