Data Science versus Information Science

informetrics and textual analysis




Information Science, Data Science, Interdisciplinary relations, Scientific Documentation, Web of Science, Scopus, Informetrics


The aim of this paper is identifying the characteristics of the scientific literature located in the superposition of Data Science (DC) and Information Science (IS). For this, a descriptive study with informetric applications, and, as a first approximation, textual analysis was carried out. 58 and 49 records were recovered in Scopus and WoS, respectively, for the period 1900-november, 2020. Scopus documents were the most cited and with a greater typological variety. Conceptually, data is the element that connects both domains. Both are conceived as transversal areas of knowledge, that is, they are intra, multi and transdisciplinary. DS and IS are recent disciplines, in their process of definition, reconceptualization and conformation of their methods and categories of analysis of large amounts of data and information. The sum of studies that appears in WoS and Scopus show us that DS and IS complement themselves and intersect with other areas of scientific knowledge. They are also communicated in other languages than English: Italian, French, Portuguese and Japanese


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Author Biography

Celso Martínez Musiño, Dokumenta Consultoría e Integraciones, MÉXICO

Diplomado en Acción y Desarrollo Cultural por el Museo Nacional de San Carlos, y Espacio Espiral (México). Maestro y Licenciado en Bibliotecología por El Colegio de México y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), respectivamente. Doctor por la Universidad de Zaragoza (UNIZAR) y la UNAM.



How to Cite

Martínez Musiño, C. (2021). Data Science versus Information Science: informetrics and textual analysis. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 27(2), 31–42.


