Data storytelling: Aragón Open Data Focus, an innovative experience of reusing public sector data


  • Lorea Akerreta Escribano Deloitte Consulting, S.L.U.
  • Julián Moyano Collado Gobierno de Aragón



Open data, Data storytelling, Transparency, Reuse of information, Public innovation, Aragon


In recent years, Public Administrations have made, in an exercise of transparency, an important effort to open their data with the aim that, through the reuse of this information, a real impact and value can be generated on the territory. However, on many occasions the complexity of the matter means that citizens are not able to perceive the benefits that can be derived from its use, and they distance themselves from the use of open data. In this same scenario, technological advances and a new culture of information consumption derived from the democratisation of its access have laid the foundations for the development of data journalism. Aragón Open Data, the Government of Aragon's commitment to open data, has developed a new service during 2020 that seeks to unite these two factors with the aim of encouraging the reuse of public sector data, educating about its possibilities and empowering the different user profiles in the use of public data. The result of the project, framed in its 2019-2022 strategy and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union, is Aragón Open Data Focus, a free service that allows users of the portal to develop and share their own stories based on Aragon's open data.


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How to Cite

Akerreta Escribano, L., & Moyano Collado, J. (2021). Data storytelling: Aragón Open Data Focus, an innovative experience of reusing public sector data. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 27(1), 31–43.


