Internal organization and philosophical orientation in the Ferdinand Columbus’s Library


  • Diego García Cañas Universidad de Murcia



Colón, Hernando, Otlet, Paul, Bacon, Francis, Cusa, Nicholas of, Universality, Philosophy, Bibliographic repertoires, Knowledge organization, Renaissance, Biblioteca Colombina


This work examines a project of great interest for knowledge organization as it was the library created by Ferdinand Columbus in the XVI century. For its resources, its extension and its ability to expand itself reveals some unusual characteristics for that period of time, foreseeing to a large extent our current documentary systems. We firstly present its bibliographic repertoire as a group of interconnected catalogues and from this we consider a philosophical base which help us to find a meaning and a general orientation to understand the real effect for the hernandina enterprise. We relate the bibliographic organization of Ferdinand Columbus to Erasmus, Raymond Lull and mainly to the view of the universe of Nicholas of Cusa, but also with the late Middle Ages cartography; and finally it is highlighted here the historical importance of this project that place ourselves in the beginning of the documentary activity, connecting it with Paul Otlet and searching for a common nexus that allows to link both with the utopian thinking of Francis Bacon


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How to Cite

Cañas, D. G. (2021). Internal organization and philosophical orientation in the Ferdinand Columbus’s Library. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 27(2), 21–27.


