Diplomatic criticism

a panoramic study of scientific production





Diplomatics, Diplomatic criticism, Bibliometric studies


Diplomatic Criticism is addressed based on scientific production published in international scientific databases. For this study, we used the method of applied bibliometry to identify the undisclosed scientific production on the investigated object. The investigation is exploratory-descriptive and qualitative-quantitative. As research sources, documents retrieved from Google Scholar, Web of Science and Sco-pus by means of the Publish or Perish software were used, in order to verify the theoretical production of the Diplomatic Criticism and the metrics of interest. RawsGraph, an open source framework used for visualizing complex data, is applied for visualizing metrics. With it, it was possible to confirm that studies on Diplomatic Criticism, in an international context, were experiencing exponential growth and had their first publication records in the year 1681.


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Author Biographies

Sonia Oliveira Matos Moutinho, UNESP

PhD student in Information Science at the PPGCI of the Paulista State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), Marília-SP. She has a master's degree in Education from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos, RS, a degree in Librarianship from the State University of Piauí (2007) and a Lato Senso Specialization from Faculdades Integradas de Jacarepaguá. She is Assistant Editor of the IFPI Scientific Journal, Somma. She is a researcher at the Study and Research Group in Library Science and Information Science (GEPEBIC) and the Information Metric Study Group (GPEMI) and the Information Systems Research Laboratory (LaPeSI). She has experience in the area of Library Science and Information Science with emphasis on Multilevel Libraries, a term he coined in 2014 to classify the libraries of Federal Institutes, works on the following topics: scientific publishing, scientific production, alternative metrics, bibliometrics, information flow, information mediation, typology of contemporary readers, changes and infocommunication practices in libraries.

Sonia Maria Troitiño, Paulista State Universit (UNESP)

He holds a degree in History from the University of São Paulo, a degree in Cultural Heritage from Fundación Duques de Sória and the Ministry of Culture of Spain and in Archivistics from Fundación Sanchez-Albornoz/ Universidad de Valladolid (Spain). She served as director of the Permanent Archive Center of the Public Archive of the State of São Paulo, in addition to working as a consultant in the areas of historical research and organization of collections for several institutions. She holds a PhD in Social History from the University of São Paulo, having developed research in the thematic line Historiography and Documentation. Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences at Unesp (FFC) in the Archivology and Library Science courses at the Department of Information Sciences and permanent professor at the Graduate Program in Information Science at UNESP, which currently stands out for its Unesp Internationalization Project. She has experience in the field of Information Science, with an emphasis on Archivology. Between 2012 and 2014 she was coordinator of the Historical and University Documentation Center of Marília (CEDHUM); between 2014 and 2020 she was coordinator of the Center for Documentation and Memory of UNESP (CEDEM); and president of the UNESP Documents and Access Assessment Commission (CADA), in the 2017-2020 term. She is co-author of the book Name the documents: from theory to practice; of Unesp's Classification Plan and Table of Temporality of Documents: Support Activities; organizer of the books Panorama da Gestão Documental at Unesp; About the art of saving. Reflections on the collection of Lívio Xavier; Workers, Archives, Memory, Truth, Justice and Reparation; among other books and scientific articles. She is a researcher at the research groups CNPq Gênese Documental Arquivística (UFF) and Thematic Representation of Information (UNESP) and leader of the research group Acervos: Dimensions of Documents, Memory and Heritage (UNESP). Research Gate and Google Scholar.


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How to Cite

Moutinho, S. O. M., & Troitiño, S. M. . (2023). Diplomatic criticism: a panoramic study of scientific production. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 29(1), 43–49. https://doi.org/10.54886/scire.v29i1.4903


