Implementation of research data repositories in Spanish public universities

state of the art




Open Science, Research Datasets, Resarch Datasets Repositories, Public Universities, Spain


Open Science is gradually making its way into the heart of higher education institutions. This paradigm shift aims to make the results of scientific research accessible and reusable by other researchers. In this regard, open access to research data is particularly important, in order to facilitate their reuse and increase their level of transparency. Our paper aims to analyse how the deposit of these datasets is being carried out in Spanish public universities, their level of implementation, which platforms are being implemented and whether researchers are being guided and supported in this task. The results obtained show a diverse and incipient reality. On the one hand, there are two regional consortia of universities (Catalonia and Madrid) that are clearly committed to the management of research datasets. On the other hand, there is a standard model for depositing this information as if they were collections in an institutional repository. Universities with more published datasets belong to one of the consortia, implement more advanced software and are a model to be considered by the others, especially those that have only published a few datasets. Support from regional administrations is also a factor to consider and an opportunity for communities with several universities.


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How to Cite

Martinez Mendez, F. J., Baptista, A. A., López Carreño, R., & Delgado V´ázquez, Ángel M. (2023). Implementation of research data repositories in Spanish public universities: state of the art. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 29(2), 39–49.




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