A bibliometric overview of data protection and privacy in the context of the advance of artificial intelligence





Bibliographic reviews, Data protection, Privacy, Artificial intelligence


A new societal landscape is taking form, marked by a myriad of emerging themes warranting thorough examination. Chief among these discussions is the pivotal role of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly machine learning and its predictive applications. Despite extensive exploration of issues pertaining to personal data protection and privacy across scientific literature, there remains a conspicuous dearth of studies integrating this analysis with the latest AI methodologies. Hence, this study endeavors to undertake a predominantly quantitative mapping of the most influential scientific works addressing these interconnected themes. Our approach, conducted over the span of March and April 2024, employs a bibliometric methodology, prioritizing an inductive analysis framework and adopting the case study methodology to fulfill this objective.


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How to Cite

Rover, A. J. (2024). A bibliometric overview of data protection and privacy in the context of the advance of artificial intelligence. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 30(1), 49–58. https://doi.org/10.54886/scire.v30i1.5010


