Community libraries in Brasil: where they are, why and how they were created


  • Elisa Campos Machado Frederico Rodrigues Machado
  • Waldomiro Vergueiro



Community libraries. Public libraries.


It is the result of a qualitative research on the estab-lishment of community libraries in Brazil, with a descriptive analysis emphasizing where they are, the motivation for their creation and the means for trigging these processes. It highlights the differences between enterprises created by individual and collective agents, both internal as external to the community. It defends that the specificities and the great differences among the experiments are due to the country´s re-gional and cultural distinctions. It considers those libraries as spaces for negotiation, appropriation and identity recuperation by the communities. The reading, and not information organization and processing, is the activity which permeates all the process.


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Author Biographies

Elisa Campos Machado, Frederico Rodrigues Machado

Professora Doutora. Vice-Chefe do Departamento de Estudos e Processos Biblioteconômicos do Centro de Ciências Humanas e Sociais da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO).

Waldomiro Vergueiro

Professor Titular, Vice-Chefe do Departamento de Biblioteconomia e Documentação da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA/USP).



How to Cite

Machado, E. C., & Vergueiro, W. (2010). Community libraries in Brasil: where they are, why and how they were created. Ibersid: Journal of Information and Documentation Systems (ISSNe 2174-081X; ISSN 1888-0967), 4, 145–151.



Case studies, research in progress, short articles and notes