Business communication processes in internal environments: aim-oriented elements


  • Luana Maia Woida Faculdade de Tecnogia de Garça



Informational communication. Organizational communication. Organizational politics. Com-munication processes. Organizational behaviour. Information management.


It is supported, in this text, that communication is a process, whose the efficacy depends on the presence of objects related to constituent elements and which maintains the main reference in the socio-cultural sphere. On the other hand, it essentially depends on the people’s behaviour and on the instruments needed for its management. In this way, it is necessary to establish its main elements and to indicate a solution for the communication problem in the organizational environment. In this case, the determination of the essential elements of communication and in which way this determination can be reached is what composes this paper’s central set of problems.


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Author Biography

Luana Maia Woida, Faculdade de Tecnogia de Garça

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How to Cite

Woida, L. M. (2010). Business communication processes in internal environments: aim-oriented elements. Ibersid: Journal of Information and Documentation Systems (ISSNe 2174-081X; ISSN 1888-0967), 4, 225–228.



Case studies, research in progress, short articles and notes