Dissemination of accessible products and services for people with disabilities in the federal university libraries of Northern Brazil
People with disabilities, Accessibility, Products and services in university libraries., Library services, Library products, University libraries, Marketing, North BrazilAbstract
The aim of this research is to map the forms of dissemination of the products and services accessible from the libraries of the Brazilian federal universities located in the Northern Region. It is a descriptive, qualitative study, based on bibliographic and documentary research, consulting the websites and social networks of the university libraries located in this geographical area. According to the results obtained, of the 97 university libraries surveyed, 25 have some kind of accessible product or service, 17 websites have accessibility resources and 4 social networks have some element of alternative description. The website is the most common way of promoting accessible products and services and social media is still underused for this purpose. It is concluded that the libraries of the Federal Universities of Northern Brazil that have accessible products and services offer little visibility to people with disabilities.
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