About the Journal
Scire: Representación y Organización del Conocimiento is an interdisciplinary journal published twice a year that is devoted to the representation, standarization, treatment, retrieval and communication of information and knowledge. Scire is an open access journal
ISSN 1135-3716
ISSN (e) 2340-7042. Scire (Zaragoza, Internet)
Current Issue
Vol. 30 No. 2 (2024)
Full Issue
Scire has international distribution. We acknowledge its inclusion in the following reference services: Information Science Abstracts, Information Services in Physics, Electronics and Computing, Library and Information Science Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, Knowledge Organization Literature, Base de Datos ISOC and Catálogo Latindex. Scire has a C3 class in the FECYT Ranking (2020).