The artefact as a generating system of epistemic communities in scientific environments of nano-technology
Mexico, Philosophy of artifacts, Philosophy of technology, Philosophy of technique, Scientific practice, Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados (Chihuahua, Mexico), Epistemic machinery, Epistemic artifact, Knowledge generation, Epistemic communitiesAbstract
Most of the world's equipment is made up of artifacts: buildings, roads, power grids, telecommunication antennas, automobiles, homes, mobile phones, to name just a few. As a whole, since ancient times they have been created, mainly for the purpose of improving people's living conditions. However, it has not been until recent times that this furniture has become an object of study for its philosophical, historical and sociological. This article is divided in three parts: (1) a historical account of epistemic devices, especially related to microscopes; (2) a revision aimed at offering a concise overview of the philosophy of the artifact and its relationship with information studies; and (3) a case study, focused on the attempt to reveal the epistemic culture of the community of nanotechnologists from a public research center (Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados, CIMAV, Chihuahua, Mexico) and how they use a microscope. electronic in its sweep and transmission modality, in the generation of knowledge through substantial actions in the development of scientific publications, training of human resources, systematic participation of researchers in cost-effective projects and for developing epistemic communities. This study identifies the absence of specific models for a precise measurement of the effectiveness of artifacts and the need for developing formal proposals to promote the relation with scientific activities based on artifacts.
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