About the Journal

Ibersid: an international journal on information and documentation systems is an annual arbitred international journal devoted to information and knowledge management from a systemic and interdisciplinary perspective. It is the scientific communication tool of Ibersid, an international network with presence in Africa, America and Europe, whose office is in Zaragoza (Spain), where it organizes its annual conferences (http://www.ibersid.org). Ibersid is an open access journal.

ISSN 1888-0967

ISSN (e) 2174-081X

Current Issue

Vol. 18 No. 2 (2024)
Published: 2024-12-04


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Ibersid has international distribution. It is referred in Scopus, ESCI, LISTA and Dialnet,, Base de Datos ISOC and Catálogo Latindex, among other databases. Scire has a C3 class in the FECYT Ranking (2020). Ibersid has a C3 class in the FECYT Ranking (2020).