Comparing the web accessibility of Spanish public libraries against Spanish financial institutions


  • Beatriz Bermejo-Pantoja
  • Cristina Faba-Pérez Universidad de Extremadura



Web accessibility, State public libraries, bank entities, comparative analysis, Spain


This article compares the web accessibility of two types of institutions with different characteristics: the public libraries of the State of Spain and the banks registered in the Bank of Spain with establishment in the country, in order to verify which of the two types turns out to be more accessible for the community. For it, there is used the tool TAW (Test of web Accessibility) that it uses the guides of accessibility "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0" for the evaluation. The principal result is that the public libraries have a lower average of accessibility errors than banks. The best guideline in both populations is 1.2. This guide presents alternatives for the perception of the audio/ video, subtitles and audio - description of the content for citizens with hearing and / or vision problems. He concludes with the need to design more accessible web sites for all citizens, both by institutions with social interests, and for business purposes.


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How to Cite

Bermejo-Pantoja, B., & Faba-Pérez, C. (2019). Comparing the web accessibility of Spanish public libraries against Spanish financial institutions. Ibersid: Journal of Information and Documentation Systems (ISSNe 2174-081X; ISSN 1888-0967), 13(2), 39–48.




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