Libraries as agents for development against the COVID-19 impact on the digital divide
a case study
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Project planning and management, Information Literacy (IL), Public libraries, Case studiesAbstract
Library resources are very useful tools to reduce the digital divide, an issue tackled in the IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) Declaration on Libraries and Development and accentuated by COVID-19. Even though institutions have fought for the access of vulnerable families to ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), the need for projects that ensure equal opportunities for the most disadvantaged groups is undeniable. The case study presented here is linked to this approach. A pilot test has been set, based on integrating the spirit of IFLA's International Advocacy Program (IAP) and the insight of Project planning and management for Library and Information Centers (LIC) in a real setting: the Juan San Martin Municipal Public Library in Eibar, Guipuzcoa.
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