Functional diversity in the communications media of Extremadura (Spain) and its relationship with infor-mation units




Functional diversity, Information units, Official regulations, Communication media, Region of Extremadura (Spain)


This paper investigates the relationship between functional diversity, the media and information units. To do this, first, we make a bibliographic review of national and international works on communication media and information units and their relationship with functional diversity; second, we examine the number of news items published on functional diversity in two communications media of the Region of Extremadura (Spain) (DOE and HOY) (1373 news items); and third, we analyze these news items in detail to check if they allude to the information units and check the nature of said mention (40 news items, 2.91 %). The research is carried out during the year 2020 because it coincides with the crucial period of the health pandemic caused by COVID19 and was a handicap for all citizens and, especially, for people with functional diversity. Among the results found, it is obtained that the most frequently mentioned information units are libraries (70 %) and that the most recurrent theme is "Oppositions and employment" (42.5 %). It concludes with the need for greater involvement and visibility in the communications media of the role of information units in relation to help and support for the most vulnerable groups.


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How to Cite

Monje-Expósito, D., & Faba-Pérez, C. (2022). Functional diversity in the communications media of Extremadura (Spain) and its relationship with infor-mation units. Ibersid: Journal of Information and Documentation Systems (ISSNe 2174-081X; ISSN 1888-0967), 16(2), 21–32.




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