Applications of thesauri, taxonomies and ontologies in content management systems with Semantic Web technologies


  • Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez Servicio de Información Universitario, Universidad de Murcia, España
  • Francisco Javier Martínez Méndez Departamento de Información y Documentación, Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación, Universidad de Murcia, España



The Content Management Systems (CMS) represent the current paradigm in the design and development of information systems and services based on the Web. One of the major challenges facing this kind of applications is to combine, at the same time, the information management processes with the implementation of a coherent structure for access to the data. This requires the use of tools near to the Knowledge Organization, usually by implementing taxonomies or, more flexibly, thesauri. Both of them have been traditionally used for classification and content description of documents. However, it is also very interesting to use them into the automatic construction of dynamic navigation systems, a procedure that can be done through the use of ontologies that, additionally, could be used to interrelate or infer the content managed in a CMS with that content located in corporate information systems (intranets). Diifferent ways to combine these emerging technologies are shown, associated with the representation of thesauri and ontologies in the Semantic Web (such as OWL and SKOS), with the aim to present a series of approaches that could guide future developments of CMS systems in order to obtain greater consistency in information structures.


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How to Cite

Pastor Sánchez, J. A., & Martínez Méndez, F. J. (2009). Applications of thesauri, taxonomies and ontologies in content management systems with Semantic Web technologies. Ibersid: Journal of Information and Documentation Systems (ISSNe 2174-081X; ISSN 1888-0967), 3, 143–153.


