A relevance assessment of doctoral theses as knowledge objects
from gray literature to impact measurement
Doctoral thesis, Evaluation of relevance, Gray literature, Knowledge objects, Impact measurement, Scientific development, Training of researchers, MexicoAbstract
This article proposes a model to measure the relevance of doctoral theses as knowledge objects and their influence on researchers’ training. The quality conditions were evaluated in four dimensions: (1) internal consistency of the object of knowledge (thesis); (2) impact of the knowledge object and its application in the development of new scientific publications; (3) effect of the object of knowledge on the subject (student) as a researcher; and (4) collective consequences of the subject in research environments. To test the functionality of the model, data were collected from doctoral theses from two educational programs (liberal arts and sciences), by measuring the stability of the evaluated dimensions as a value chain, observing inconsistency in the results because of the consecutive weakening between the first and the last dimension.
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