The bibliographic references in scientific production as an indicator of the use of bibliographic collections

a case study


  • Alejandro Arnulfo Ruiz León (1) Departamento de Modelación Matemática de Sistemas Sociales. IIMAS,
  • Suyin Ortega IIMAS
  • Leticia López Huerta Biblioteca Ignacio Méndez Ramírez, IIMAS
  • Sergio Márquez Rangel Dirección General de Bibliotecas y Servicios Digitales de Información.



Bibliographic collections, Reference analysis, Performance indicators, Bibliometric networks., Mexico, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Institute of Research in Applied Mathematics and Systems, IIMAS


The possibilities offered by the analysis of the bibliographical references of the scientific production of an academic community are studied as an indicator of the use of its library collections; and thereafter, of the impact of social changes on the information behavior of their users. For that and firstly, the references used in the articles published by academics of the Institute of Research in Applied Mathematics and Systems (IIMAS) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico between 2018 and 2021 were analyzed with respect to the resources available in the Library System of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (SIBIUNAM). On the other hand, a structure analysis was made, creating a semantic network from the thematic categories by which the references were classified in the Web of Science (WoS) database. In relation to the IIMAS collection, a use greater than 50% was verified and, regarding the UNAM collection, greater than 61% per subscription. A significant increase was observed in the number of references used in 2020 and 2021; and also, in their multidisciplinary, thematic diversity.


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Author Biographies

Alejandro Arnulfo Ruiz León, (1) Departamento de Modelación Matemática de Sistemas Sociales. IIMAS,

Alejandro Arnulfo Ruiz León holds a Master's Degree in Library Science and Information Studies from the FFYL-UNAM, and a Bachelor's Degree in Actuary from the FC-UNAM. He is an academic at IIMAS-UNAM. His topics of interest are the analysis of scientific collaboration networks, political networks and business networks applying the research paradigm of Social Network Analysis. He has participated in various research projects within the Support Program for Research projects and Technological Innovation PAPIIT-UNAM. He has participated as an organizer of various events in the area of social networks. He is a professor in the Postgraduate In Political and Social Sciences of the UNAM. He is co-author of books, chapters in books, articles in journals and memoirs, as well as in the preparation of various technical reports. He has been an advisor in the preparation of doctoral, master's and bachelor's theses.

Leticia López Huerta, Biblioteca Ignacio Méndez Ramírez, IIMAS

Degree in Library Science, Student of Master’s in Library Science and Information Studies both from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He currently works at the National Autonomous University of Mexico at the Ignacio Méndez Ramírez Library of the Institute for Research in Applied Mathematics and Systems. He has participations in conferences.

Sergio Márquez Rangel, Dirección General de Bibliotecas y Servicios Digitales de Información.

Degree in Library Science and Master in Library science and Information Studies both from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He works in the General Directorate of Libraries and Digital Information Services where he is Head of the Subscriptions Department. It counts for articles in national and international journals, as well as conferences related to electronic journals and databases.


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How to Cite

Ruiz León, A. A., Ortega, S., López Huerta, L., & Márquez Rangel, S. (2023). The bibliographic references in scientific production as an indicator of the use of bibliographic collections: a case study. Ibersid: Journal of Information and Documentation Systems (ISSNe 2174-081X; ISSN 1888-0967), 17(1), 73–80.


