Unifying search experience optimization (SXO), usability, information architecture and web accessibility
exploring common ground for enhanced online visibility in search engines
Search eXperience Optimization, Search Engine Optimization, SEO ranking factors, Web visibility, User eXperience, Web accessibility, Usability, Information architectureAbstract
Search engines have integrated various UX-related factors and a more precise analysis of users' search intent to better fulfil their needs. Our aims are to identify commonalities among three UX-related disciplines: usability, information architecture, web accessibility, and SEO, within the context of Search eXperience Optimization (SXO). Based on a literature analysis, common factors between SEO and the other disciplines were identified, contextualized, and justified. It has been demonstrated that specific good practices within these disciplines contribute to enhancing the visibility of web pages in search engines. Specifically, a total of 37 related factors were identified. The incorporation of these practices can result in improved crawling, indexing, and interpretation of content by search engines.
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