Higher Education students' perceptions towards Information Literacy

a study in Macau


  • Tatiana Sanches UIDEF, Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa
  • Emily Chan University of Saint Joseph, School of Education




Literacia da Informação, Ensino Superior, Aprendizagem, Competências de Informação, Estudantes


Integrating information literacy into learning improves student performance and, for that reason, academic librarians can play a significant role by collaborating in the design and training programs in these areas. In Macao, there is no known study on the information literacy performance of higher education students, so we seek to diagnose this area. For that purpose, a survey was applied to higher education students to assess students' perception of information literacy and their self-characterization regarding the use of resources and the type of skills needed for academic work. A semi-structured interview was also carried out with teachers about the same reality. Students perceive themselves to have a low level of confidence in the performance of their academic tasks, which affects their fulfilment. Faculty are aligned with this diagnosis, revealing the students’ weaknesses in the information search and presentation. Overall, information needs are evident among students as also is the use of preferred information resources in pursuit of their studies. The training aimed at students in search, retrieval, analysis, and use of information seems to be essential, which is why the construction of a tailormade training program in Information Literacy is anticipated.


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Biografia do Autor

Emily Chan, University of Saint Joseph, School of Education

Bibliotecária coordenadora da Biblioteca da Universidade de São José, em Macau, e estudante de doutoramento da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Educação da mesma universidade. Os seus atuais interesses de investigação incluem a literacia informacional (recursos digitais) e o processo de aprendizagem no ensino superior; também programas de alfabetização informacional.


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Como Citar

Sanches, T., & Chan, E. (2023). Higher Education students’ perceptions towards Information Literacy: a study in Macau. Ibersid: Revista De Sistemas De información Y documentación, 17(2), 41–48. https://doi.org/10.54886/ibersid.v17i2.4910


